Technology: The Backbone of Your Online Business

If you’re currently running a brick-and-mortar location but are planning to dive into the world of e-commerce, you are in luck. Digital technology is widely available and makes it much easier to manage an online business. Today, we’ll take a look at a few of these technologies.

Why Digital Transformation?

While small businesses are the backbones of our community, technology is the backbone of your business, both online and in person. A digital transformation doesn’t mean that you have to give up your in-person interactions. Instead, boosting your technical capabilities can actually make your employees more productive and give your customers a better experience while helping you be more efficient and effective. Your digital tools can put you in a position to make better decisions that will help you grow and keep up with demand – the right technology can even help you get ahead of your customers.

Technology That Matters

Because no two businesses are alike, no set of instructions will apply to all entrepreneurs when it comes to making a digital transformation happen. However, a few that might be beneficial to all include:

  • Business process management. Business process management simply means creating a more streamlined experience for your employees. By mapping and managing the various systems, you can significantly reduce extraneous operations and hands-on time. Your BPM framework is unique to you, and it’s a good idea to ask your employees where they feel as though they are wasting time. Whatever you choose to do, keep up with how well it works so that you can make changes as needed.
  • Remote work. If you want happier, more efficient, and more loyal employees, switch to a remote work platform, at least part of the time. Career consultant Ashley Stahl further explains that remote work, which is positioned to be the way of the future, can also save you money and reduce your business’s carbon footprint.
  • Google My Business. Sure, you probably pop up when people type your name into the search bar, but unless you have already claimed your Google My Business listing, then you are missing out on a free service that allows you to gain an edge in the digital world.  Social media management firm eClincher points out that a GMB profile makes it easier for your business to appear in local searches and serves as a platform for reviews and customer interaction.
  • Artificial intelligence. There are many ways that artificial intelligence can help your business. One of the greatest of these is that it can elevate the customer service experience. AIs can answer common questions and also make product recommendations. Further, when applied in the right way, artificial intelligence can also help you gauge your customer satisfaction rating, reduce fraudulent activity, and give your supply chain a boost.
  • Digital marketing. If you’re going to run online, you have to get comfortable with digital marketing. There are many different things you might do in this category, including boosting your website’s search engine friendliness through SEO. Pay-per-click, content, social media, and email marketing are other examples of digital marketing techniques that help you convert clicks to customers.

A digital transformation does not mean you have to step out of the real world. Instead, the technology you implement, from business process management to online profiles and social media, can help you run a better business now so that you can adapt and grow in the future. There is no time like today to implement changes, and with so many options out there, all you have to do is choose one to get started.

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